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Canary Checker

Kubernetes Native Synthetic Testing Platform

canary checker

A single pane of glass for health across your stack.

Aggregate alerts, run synthetic checks / tests against your services and infrastructure.

  • Synthetic (Active) Checks

    Generate synthetic traffic, run queries against various datasources, or even run full integration test suites to verify the health of your services and infrastructure.

  • Passive Checks

    Consolidate alerts across your monitoring stack and create alerts from non-traditional sources like SQL, NoSQL and CI/CD pipelines.

  • Infrastructure

    Batteries including support for HTTP, DNS, ICMP, LDAP, Prometheus, SQL, Mongo, Redis, Github, Azure Devops, JMeter, K6, Playwright, Newman/Postman, SMB, SFTP,


Batteries included with 30+ check types

Canary checker is a single binary with most checks bundled and not requiring an external installation.

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Health Checks as Code

Kubernetes Native

Health Checks as Code

Canaries are regular Kubernetes Custom Resource Definitions with conformant status conditions, making it suitable to use as Flux, ArgoCD or Helm health check.

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Metrics Exporter

Export custom metrics from any check, replacing the need for multiple separate metric exporters.

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Metrics Exporter



Chose from a standard Grafana dashboard or create your own using the prometheus metrics exposed by Canary Checker.

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100% Open Source

Canary checker is 100% open source under the Apache 2.0 license. We welcome contributions from our awesome community.

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Display Formatted Output

Evaluate the health of checks using scripts in CEL, Javascript or Go Templating. Templates can also be used to format the output of checks.

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Display Formatted Output
Fallback to shell scripts

Escape Hatch

Fallback to shell scripts

When the builtin integrations are not enough, run scripts using bash or powershell.

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Control Plane Monitoring

Active Infrastructure Checks

Proactive infrastructure checks ensure your control plane has ample buffer/ or capacity. These checks validate the ability to schedule new pods, launch EC2 instances, and push/pull to docker and helm repositories.

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Active Infrastructure Checks

Escape Hatch


Evaluate the health of checks using scripts in CEL, Javascript or Go Templating. Templates can also be used to format the output of checks.

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Secret Management

Leverage Kubernetes Secrets

Canaries are namespace aware and can be configured to use kubernetes secrets and configmaps for authentication details, negating the need to store secrets in the configuration.

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Leverage Kubernetes Secrets


Support for Canary Checker is available as part of the Flanksource Mission Control Internal Developer Platform

Hosted Platform on either AWS or Azure
On Premise
Run inside your own data center or Bring Your Own Cloud
Resource Catalog & Change Tracking
Track both application and infrastructure resources across multiple clouds.
Run automated playbooks based on canary checker health changes
Send notifications to 10+ different targets when canaries fail
Map your complex system in multiple dimensions